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Showing posts from 2017

Next Internet comes with IoT

The Internet we know is a great space for collaboration, social media and gaming. But when it comes to business or transactions, the power belongs to few big ones. Remember the S3 outage and half of the north-american services where offline? Or the Dny hack which kicked out half of the internet for hours? The next internet could be a blockchain based independent network, using as many protocols as available and there is no one person in control of it and it is run on the Internet. In a nutshell, Blockchain is a decentralized system in which every transaction gets mathematically approved by the members of the system, therefore every member of that transaction knows about it. The information of the transaction is stored in the distributed servers of the blockchain. That makes manipulations highly impossible, and the transaction is also highly available at every time. IoT devices are getting more and more intelligent and can now create meshed networks by itself, switching from a sensor

The Machine and BigData

HP’s „The Machine“ (1) project is in my eyes the most advanced in the IT world with the simple goal to rethink the entire computer design. And the plan is ambitious – the first edge devices shall be ready in 2018, industrialized series in 2020. Will “The Machine” really revolutionize an entire industry mostly influenced by IBM? Let’s say it could and probably will with a high percentage of success. Based on the idea of Memristor (2) the project uses memory based technology to store data. Nothing new here. New is the non-volatile usage. Data, stored in an Memristor, persists unless the storing bit gets cleaned and new aligned. Now, NVRRAM (non-volatile resistive RAM) it’s faster as volatile DDR4 modules (which they use at the moment until Western Digital can deliver NVRRAM modules) and factor 100x faster than current state-of-the-art SSD based technologies. The newest prototype has 40 nodes with approx. 160 TB DDR4-RAM and 1,280 Cores connected with X1 PM’s (Photonic Modules). Means

The next stage of BigData

Right now, the terms BigData and Hadoop are used as one and the same - often like the buzzword of buzzwords. And they sound mostly as a last time call, often made by agencies to convince people to start the Hadoop journey before the train leaves the station. Don’t fall into that trap. Hadoop was made by people who worked in the early internet industry, namely Yahoo. They crawled millions of millions web pages every day, but had no system to really get benefit from this information. Dug Cutting created Hadoop, a Map/Reduce framework written in Java and blueprinted by Google in 2004 (1). The main purpose was to work effectively with an ultra-large set of data and group them by topics (just to simplify). Hadoop is now 10 years old. And in these 10 years the gravity of data management, wrangling and analyzing runs faster and faster. New approaches, tools and techniques emerging every day in the brain centered areas called Something-Valley. All of those targeting the way we work and think