Under some strange circumstances, it can happen that a message in a Kafka topic is corrupted. This often happens when using 3rd party frameworks with Kafka. In addition, Kafka < 0.9 does not have a lock on Log.read() at the consumer read level, but does have a lock on Log.write(). This can lead to a rare race condition as described in KAKFA-2477 [1]. A likely log entry looks like this: ERROR Error processing message, stopping consumer: (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer$) kafka.message.InvalidMessageException: Message is corrupt (stored crc = xxxxxxxxxx, computed crc = yyyyyyyyyy Kafka-Tools Kafka stores the offset of each consumer in Zookeeper. To read the offsets, Kafka provides handy tools [2]. But you can also use zkCli.sh, at least to display the consumer and the stored offsets. First we need to find the consumer for a topic (> Kafka 0.9): bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --zookeeper management01:2181 --describe --group test Prior to Kafka 0.9, the only way to get this inform
Hey, I'm Alex. I founded X-Warp, Infinimesh, Infinite Devices, Scalytics and worked with Cloudera, E.On, Google, Evariant, and had the incredible luck to build products with outstanding people in my life, across the globe.