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Showing posts from July, 2012

Flume 1.2.0 released

The Apache Flume Team released yesterday the next large release with number 1.2.0. Here a overview about the fixes and additions (thanks Mike, I copy your overview): Apache Flume 1.2.0 is the third release under the auspices of Apache of the so-called "NG" codeline, and our first release as a top-level Apache project! Flume 1.2.0 has been put through many stress and regression tests, is stable, production-ready software, and is backwards-compatible with Flume 1.1.0. Four months of very active development went into this release: a whopping 192 patches were committed since 1.1.0, representing many features, enhancements, and bug fixes. While the full change log can be found in the link below, here are a few new feature highlights: * New durable file channel  * New client API  * New HBase sinks (two different implementations)  * New Interceptor interface (a plugin processing API)  * New JMX-based monitoring support With this release - the first after evolving i

Get Apache Flume 1.3.x running on Windows

Since we found an increasing interest in the flume community to get Apache Flume running on Windows systems again, I spent some time to figure out how we can reach that. Finally, the good news - Apache Flume runs on Windows. You need some tweaks to get them running. Prerequisites Build system: maven 3x, git, jdk1.6.x, WinRAR (or similar program) Apache Flume agent: jdk1.6.x, WinRAR (or similar program), Ultraedit++ or similar texteditor Tweak the Windows build box 1. Download and install JDK 1.6x from Oracle 2. Set the environment variables    => Start - type " env " into the search box, select " E dit system environment variables ", click Environment Variables, Select " New " from the " Systems variables " box, type " JAVA_HOME " into " variable name " and the path to your JDK installation into "Variable value" (Example:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_33 ) 3. Download maven from Apache 4. Set