In November 2013 Facebook published their Presto engine as Open Source, available at GitHub . Presto is a distributed interactive SQL query engine, able to run over dozens of modern BigData stores, based on Apache Hive or Cassandra. Presto comes with a limited JDBC Connector, supports Hive 0.13 with Parquet and Views. Installation Just a few specialties. Presto runs only with Java7, does not support Kerberos and does not have built-in user authentication, neither. To protect data a user should not be able to read, the use of HDFS Acl's / POSIX permissions should be considered. The setup of Presto is pretty easy and well documented . Just follow the documentation, use " uuidgen " to generate a unique ID for your Presto Node ( in ) and add " hive " as datasource ( datasources=jmx,hive ). I used user " hive " to start the server with: export PATH=/usr/jdk64/jdk1.7.0_45/bin:$PATH && presto-server-
Hey, I'm Alex. I founded X-Warp, Infinimesh, Infinite Devices, Scalytics and worked with Cloudera, E.On, Google, Evariant, and had the incredible luck to build products with outstanding people in my life, across the globe.