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Access Oozie WebUI after securing your hadoop cluster

To access a Kerberized hadoop environment you need a SPNEGO supporting browser (FF, IE, Chrome) and the client, who runs the browser, need network connectivity to the KDC.

IBM has written up a good tutorial about.

Here some tips:

For Firefox, access the low level configuration page by loading the about:config page. Then go to the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris preference and add the hostname or the domain of the web server that is HTTP Kerberos SPNEGO protected (if using multiple domains and hostname use comma to separate them).

For Chrome on Windows try: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --args --auth-server whitelist="*" --auto-ssl-client-auth

For IE:
Simply add the Oozie-URL to Intranet Sites. It appears you not only have to make sure ‘Windows Integrated Authentication’ is enabled, but you also have to add the site to the ‘Local Intranet’ sites in IE.


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